Tuesday, October 26, 2010

West Indian vs. North American Food

A friend of mine sent me this great email detailing the nutritional benefits of West Indian produce in comparison to its North American counterparts.

WARNING this information may shock you!!

Apple/Grapes vs Guava

One guava fruit has (4) times the amount of fiber, slightly more potassium and (19) times the amount of vitamin C as an American apple. In comparison to a whole bunch of grapes, (1) guava has (25) times more vitamin C, (4) times more fiber and about the same potassium


 Apple vs West Indian Cherry
It would take (15) American apples to supply the vitamin C content of only one West Indian cherry.

Cranberry Juice vs. Coconut Water
A glass of cranberry juice will provide about 150 - 200 calories while the same glass of coconut water contains only 50 calories while giving 400mg potassium compared to the 60mg for cranberry juice.

V8 canned vegetable juice vs. Coconut Water
A single glass of coconut water will provide only 60mg sodium compared
to the 700 mg in V8 canned vegetable juice. Also, be assured that the
coconut water has no fat.

Butter/margarine vs. Coconut milk
A tablespoon of coconut milk has only 38 calories and 4g fat compared to 111 calories in the same amount of margarine and 11.5 g fat. The fat in coconut is healthier for the body than margarine fats.

Olive Oil vs. Avocado/Ackee
Two other sources of fat that are often mislabelled are the Jamaican
ackee and the Avocado pear. Neither has any cholesterol and the fat
is monounsaturated - the same type of fat that we pay so much for in
olive oil.

  American Veggies vs. Callaloo
Broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts provide vitamin C, minerals,
flavonoids and other phytochemical but they are no match for callaloo (amaranth). Callaloo has more than four times the calcium; two or more times the iron with more than twice the vitamin A as the American vegetables.

Whole grain cereals vs. Provisions
Calorie for calorie provisions and whole grain cereals are equally beneficial.

     Irish potato, brown rice and whole kernel corn vs. whole wheat bread, green banana and sweet potato
The Irish potato, brown rice and whole kernel corn provide the least
fiber per serving. Those of better value are whole wheat bread, green
banana and sweet potato providing 1.5 g per serving of about 70 calories.

Rolled oats vs. breadfruit
Rolled oats provide 1.96g of fiber while breadfruit has 2.45 for a serving of two (2) slices.

Next time you go grocery shopping try heading to a West Indian or African grocery and try something new!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

GreenStar grew a lot of Callaloo this summer (2010)! There are many different ways to prepare this leafy vegetable, further more there are many different definitions and interpretations of what callaloo is.

Callaloo, or calaloo, is the name for both a spicy Caribbean soup or stew and the edible leaves of several tropical plants that are used to make the stew. The plants used for callaloo are large leafy plants with starchy edible roots, called taro, dasheen, tannia, amaranth, or yautia. Where none of those vegetables are available, some cooks substitute spinach or collard greens. Callaloo recipes, and the use of different types of callaloo leaves, vary by region, but the stew always contains some kind of leafy vegetable. Stewed callaloo leaves are eaten as a side dish with many meals or used as a sauce.

Angela Williams . "What is Callaloo." wise geek. 09 September 2010 . conjecture corporation . copyright © 2003 - 2010. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-callaloo.htm.

READ MORE: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-callaloo.htm

Callaloo from our garden

Kahlid's Callaloo beard!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eating out can be good and good for you just make healthy choices :)
Island Flava talks about his Yummy Roti's ...from chana to chicken and beyond!
Check him out on 409 Dalhousie in Ottawa.