Thursday, September 16, 2010

GreenStar grew a lot of Callaloo this summer (2010)! There are many different ways to prepare this leafy vegetable, further more there are many different definitions and interpretations of what callaloo is.

Callaloo, or calaloo, is the name for both a spicy Caribbean soup or stew and the edible leaves of several tropical plants that are used to make the stew. The plants used for callaloo are large leafy plants with starchy edible roots, called taro, dasheen, tannia, amaranth, or yautia. Where none of those vegetables are available, some cooks substitute spinach or collard greens. Callaloo recipes, and the use of different types of callaloo leaves, vary by region, but the stew always contains some kind of leafy vegetable. Stewed callaloo leaves are eaten as a side dish with many meals or used as a sauce.

Angela Williams . "What is Callaloo." wise geek. 09 September 2010 . conjecture corporation . copyright © 2003 - 2010.


Callaloo from our garden

Kahlid's Callaloo beard!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eating out can be good and good for you just make healthy choices :)
Island Flava talks about his Yummy Roti's ...from chana to chicken and beyond!
Check him out on 409 Dalhousie in Ottawa.